martes, 25 de octubre de 2022

Questions to Build Meaning in Academic Life

 Vocational/Professional and Socio-Occupational Guidance


"Life is like a blank sheet of paper.

to which I can give the meaning that I consider

at the specific transitional moment you experience”


In this brief reflection, you will find more questions than answers related to the transition from secondary education to higher education. You will find several questions that can help you in the process of building "Sense of Life".

But in many cases this is not a simple and calm process, it can occur in the midst of the existential conflict of becoming someone who we do not know exactly who it may be.


Between "doing what you want" (wish)

  and "do the right thing" (moral),

there is the alternative

  "do what you can" (Need)



These questions will help you find your own way to yourself. Questions about three great fundamental dimensions of life: Having, Doing and Being, which are combined in the dimension of BEING to build meaning to life in community, which is the natural space to develop our life projects.

  1. The questions about the dimension of "HAVE" have to do with the attitudes, the worldviews or way of seeing life and the necessary potentialities so that the dreams or desires that we have can have meaning in the community in which we live.

1.1 What ways of seeing life (Cosmovisions) do you need to assume in order to serve the community in the best way?

"Life is like a blank sheet of paper.

which can be given the meaning considered

at the specific transitional moment that is experienced”


Life can only be understood by looking back,

but it must be lived looking forward

Soren Kierkegaard


“Fly high and dream big” Pope Francis I

Fly high, not for the world to see you, but for you to see the world.



• Aptitudes (Skills/learning)


The questions related to the potentialities that all people have to develop during their lives (Self-esteem and Self-image), help to identify support points to build possible meaningful life trajectories.


1.2 How to identify the potentialities that need to be developed in order to serve the community in the best way?


Carefully observing our interests, habits, multiple intelligences can give us signs of strengths and opportunities to build meaningful life projects.

2. The questions about the existential dimension of "Doing" are related to the communicative learning essential in the academic and work world, highly qualified to be able to perform adequately: Oral, audiovisual and Written Comprehension and Oral, audiovisual and written Expression.

All these skills are transversalized with the attitudes that García Márquez summarizes as: Vocation, Aptitude and Discipline.

2.1 What are the ways to qualify for the continuing education needed to serve the community in the best way?

2.2 How can I qualify my personal continuing education to serve the community in the best way?

3. The questions about the dimension of “Being”, have to do with the sense of belonging that is needed to be able to serve the community.

3.1 Where do I need to be or belong, to train and be able to serve the community in the best way?

3.2 With whom do I need to interact or live in order to learn to serve the community in the best way?

3.3 With which institutions can I manage financial resources for higher education?


Remember that you are not alone in this process, not only your family and friends are interested in you being able to build meaningful life trajectories and projects through the various transitions of higher education. Governmental and Non-Governmental Institutions (N.O.Gs) are ready to provide you with the necessary support during this exciting path towards yourself in the encounter with others.

"Do not dream little dreams because they do not have the power to move the hearts of men."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

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